Managing Your Account
Company Details
- Where can I adjust the company details associated with my account?
- Do you have a referral program?
- Can I use the same email address on multiple accounts?
- How do I change my account password?
- How can I change my storefront URL?
- How much of my account's storage space do I have left?
Photo Galleries
- What is Subscribe Mode, and how can I set it up?
- Can my client send me a list of their chosen favorite images?
- Can I Set up a PIN for Downloading a Gallery?
- Can I See a List of Deleted Galleries?
- How Can I See Sales Totals or Transactions for a Gallery?
- What are favorite labels and how do they work?
Gallery Types
Purchase Options
- Client Gallery Extension Option
- Why is my shopping cart not working?
- What types of things can I sell through my client galleries?
- Can I change the order that my purchase options are displayed in on my storefront?
- Can I group my purchase options together?
- Print Sizes
- My Lab is Increasing Their Prices, How Do I Adjust the Prices My Clients Pay?
- Can I offer Black & White or Sepia colored prints through my storefront?
- How can I set a minimum purchase requirement on my galleries?
- How do I set the pricing for my print sizes and instant downloads?
- How do I create and edit pricing sheets?
- How do I set the pricing on my multi-option products and full-gallery downloads?
Sales & Coupons
- Purchase Option Sale
- What types of sales can I run on my galleries?
- Discount Days Sales
- Date Range Sales
- Print Size Sales
- Specific (Dollar) Amount Coupon Codes
Email Marketing
- How can I send a custom email to someone after they've placed an order?
- What are Marketing Automations?
- Who can I send bulk emails to?
- Can I see what emails are scheduled to be sent to my clients?
- How can I enable or disable receiving copies of the emails sent to my clients?
- Can I set the time that my automated emails are sent?
Gallery Announcements
Sales Tax
- How can I define my sales tax rate(s)?
- Who is responsible for the sales tax on my orders?
- Can I charge different sales tax rates for different shipping addresses?
- I have a whole bunch of sales tax rates to enter; can I just upload them instead?
- Can my displayed product pricing include the sales tax (GST/VAT)?
Marketing Preferences
Subscription Plans
- What percentage of each order do you take as a commission?
- How can I change the subscription plan I am on?
- Are annual subscription plans available?
- Can I pause my subscription and then come back later?
- What happens to my account if my subscription expires?
- How can I keep my account open while I'm waiting for a new credit card in the mail?
Shipping Calculations
Mobile Apps
Logo, Branding, Custom Colors and Themes
- How can I customize my logo & branding images?
- How do I customize and personalize my storefront colors & styles?
- What are Themes and how do I enable them on my account?
- Can I select a different Theme for just one specific gallery or gallery type?
- What are some of the different items that can be customized through the Theme Editor?
- How do I access the Theme Editor?