Yes, session payments can be refunded by following the steps outlined below:
- From the main menu click on Studio & Clients » Booking » Sessions
- Click on the name of the session that you'd like to refund.
- If the session is a Single session, click on the blue payment amount displayed on the Paid line.
- If the session is a Multi session, first click on the specific session spot that you'd like to refund, and then click on the blue payment amount displayed on the Paid line.
- On the pop-up that displays, click on View Order to be taken to the Order Details page.
- On the Order Details page you can locate the Send Refund button in the lower right corner under the order totals.
- Fill in the refund details, including the amount to refund and a small note about why the refund is being sent. (Additional details regarding refunding transactions can be found in this tutorial.)
- Click the final Send Refund button to complete the refund process
- Once the refund has been sent your clients will see the refund on their credit card within 2-3 business days.
Note: Session payments are not automatically refunded when you cancel a session. You will need to follow the steps outlined above to refund the transaction(s) if a refund is due. It is recommended that you refund the transaction before cancelling the session, since once the session is canceled you will no longer have direct links to the session transactions from within the session details.
Note 2: If you need to refund an offline payment, you will need to handle that outside of our system.