The leads page is a simple website that's provided to you as a part of our Booking services. The leads page displays each of your available sessions, while also collecting inquiries and facilitating your client bookings.
The information below describes how to set your leads page up, and it describes each of the settings in details.
Getting Started
Navigate to the Leads Page through the main navigation menu by clicking on Studio & Clients » Booking » Leads Page.
Adjust Your Leads Page Settings
The following settings are available for your Leads Page:
Main Image - This image is displayed at the top of your leads page. A horizontal image will almost always look better in this position than a vertical image.
Font Set - You may select from either of two font sets for the text on your Leads Page:
- Modern - The modern font set uses a combination of Cormorant, GT Sectra, and Beausite Fit fonts to give your Leads Page an elegant, modern look.
- Classic - The classic font set uses a combination of Times New Roman, Helvetica, and Arial fonts for a more traditional look.
Page Headline -The page headline is displayed below the main image on your Leads Page.
Page Content - This area is generally used to provide a short message to your site visitors. It can be as long or as short as you'd like it.
Footer Text - The footer text is displayed below everything else on the page besides the very bottom social media links. Many photographers use the footer text to ask their visitors to contact them if they have any questions.
Display Logo - When this setting is enabled your logo will be displayed at the top of the leads page. If you haven't uploaded a logo yet, you can do that through the Marketing » Logo & Branding page.
Display Galleries Link - When this setting is enabled a link titled "Galleries" will be displayed at the top of the page. Clicking the link will take your site visitors to your main galleries page where they can view the sessions that you've shot in the past.
Display Website Link - When this setting is enabled a link titled "Website" will be displayed at the top of the page. Clicking the link will take your site visitors to your corporate website. The URL used for your corporate website is the Company URL found within your account settings.
Display Social Media Icons - When this setting is enabled, social media icons for the services we have your social media details for will be displayed at the footer of your Leads Page.
Button Settings - The buttons displayed on your Leads Page can be adjusted in the following ways:
- Style - Several button styles can be selected from, including: Solid: Square, Solid: Rounded, Solid: Pill, Outline: Square, Outline: Rounded, Outline: Pill
- Color - This is the overall color of the button. If you've selected to display a button outline rather than a filled button, the outline will use this color.
- Text - This is the color of the text within the buttons.
Page Colors - The following page colors can be adjusted through these settings:
- Highlights - The highlights are small areas on the page that are separate from the other areas. On the leads page itself, the primary "Highlights" area is the footer area of the page.
- Text - This setting adjusts the color of the text that's displayed throughout your Leads Page.
- Link - This setting adjusts the color of the links that are displayed throughout your Leads Page.
Your changes can be viewed in real-time through the Style Example section found on this settings page.
One you've defined your Leads Page settings, click the Save button to save your changes.
Inviting Your Clients
You can invite your clients to view your leads page by clicking the Share on Facebook link at the top of the page, or you can visit your Leads Page yourself through the additional link provided and then copy/paste the URL into emails, etc. sent to your clients.