Creating a full-gallery download purchase option requires two distinct steps:
Step 1: Create the Product
- From the main menu click Selling » Purchase Options.
- Click the blue Create New Purchase Option button.
- Click the Full Gallery Instant Downloads option.
- Fill in the product details, such as giving the product a name and a description.
- Click Next to move to the next step.
Step 2: Create the Product Options
Each full-gallery download product must have one or more product options defined for it. A product option is a specific version of the product. For example, if you were selling memory cards you might have a Micro SD Memory Card product, with the product options being 256GB, 128GB, 64GB, etc.
Here are the different size options available for the full gallery downloads:
Web Size (largest side: 1280px)
Small Size (largest side: 1800px)
Medium Size (largest side: 2800px)
Full Size (originally uploaded size)
To set the product options up, do the following:
- Click the Create New button on the Manage Product Options pop-up page.
- Fill out each section as needed and click Save.
- To create additional options, repeat this process.
If you've already created the product but forgot to create the product options, you can get to the option creation page by doing the following:
- Click the Manage Options link found next to your product option count.
- Click the Create New button to bring up the Purchase Options page.
- Fill out each section as needed and click Save.
- To create additional options, repeat this process.
What your clients will see
After clicking on the download product your client will be able to add it to their shopping cart. You can add a Sample Image and also a description to give them more information.