Print size sales start and end on specific dates similar to the Date Range Sale, but they also allow you to specify different discount amounts on each print size individually.
Here is how you can set up a Print Size Sale:
- From the main menu, click Selling » Sales & Coupons.
- Click the Create New Sale or Coupon Code button.
- Select Create a Sale » Print Size Sale.
- Provide a name for your sale. This name is only visible to you.
- Provide Sale Details including the dates the sale will start and end.
- Define how much of a discount you'd like each print size to receive during your sale. Leave the discount area empty for any items that you don't want to include in the sale.
- Select Custom Title and Description if you wish.
- The provided sale title and description will be displayed in your galleries while the sale is running. Keep the title as short as possible, but be as descriptive as you'd like in the description.
Note: If a custom title and description are not provided, our system will automatically generate them for within the gallery.
- The provided sale title and description will be displayed in your galleries while the sale is running. Keep the title as short as possible, but be as descriptive as you'd like in the description.
- Select Send Automated Sale Notification Emails if you wish.
- This is an optional setting that will automatically send discount notification emails to your visitors. Simply select the email templates that you'd like to be sent on the day the sale starts and/or the day that the sale ends, and the emails will be sent for you automatically on those dates.
- Select Which Galleries or Gallery Types the Sale Should Run On.
- You may select gallery types, individual galleries, or any combination of the two. Selecting a gallery type will automatically include all galleries associated with that gallery type; you do not have to select both the gallery type AND the gallery.
- Click Save.