This is an older article that has been deprecated in favor of the method mentioned in the following article instead:
Combining multiple orders isn't something that is currently supported through our website. However, there is a workaround that can get the job done if both of the orders came from the same gallery and if you haven't already fulfilled either of the orders you're hoping to combine:
Step 1: Add the Items to the Larger Order
- From the main menu, click into Selling » Orders.
- View the details for both of the orders that you'd like to combine. You can view both sets of details at the same time by right-clicking on your customer's name on each order and selecting to open the link in a new tab.
- On the order details page for the larger of the two orders, scroll to the bottom and click the Add Additional Prints to this Order button.
- When the pop-up displays, select the images that were ordered on the smaller order. Hint: To select multiple images at one time, press CTRL (or Command) + click on the additional image(s).
- Select the print size and/or single image product that you'd like to associate with the selected images.
- Choose the quantity of prints/products to add.
- Click the Add Items button to add the items to the order.
- Select additional images, sizes, and quantities as needed.
- Click the Done button when you are finished adding the items to the order.
Note: The added items will show up as being $0 on the larger order, but that's fine since your client has already paid for them on their other order.
Step 2: Update the Status of the Smaller Order
- From the details page of the smaller order, click the Update link found next to the Order Status label.
- Update the status to Shipped. In this type of situation, since the smaller order's items are now included in the larger order, having a "shipped" status on the smaller order simply means that it has been taken care of.
- Click the Update Status button to save your changes.
Step 3: Fulfill the Larger Order
If automatic fulfillment is enabled on your account, the larger order will be fulfilled automatically and there is nothing else that you will need to do for this. However, if automatic fulfillment is NOT enabled, you will need to send the order for fulfillment as you normally would.