Selling an individual image instant download is fairly straightforward, and it can be setup as follows:
- From the main menu, click Selling » Purchase Options.
- At the top of the page, click the Create New Purchase Option button.
- Select the Category & Individual Image Instant Downloads option.
- Provide a name for the purchase option, and select Individual Image Instant Download as the Download Type.
- Provide the other details, such as the Download Size and a Description. If you choose the Custom Size option you will also need to provide the desired size (in pixels) of the longest side of the images that your clients will download.
- Choose the Purchase Option Group you would like your download to be assigned to.
- If you choose the Apply Watermark option in the Settings area, each image will have your watermark overlaid on it when your client downloads it. We do not recommend enabling this option unless you plan to sell the image very inexpensively and you make a note of it in your product description.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
- Once you've created the new purchase option, set its price through your Pricing Sheets.
Client Purchases
After completing their purchase, your client's purchase receipt will contain links to download each of their purchased instant image downloads. Clicking on the download link(s) on their receipt will allow your clients to instantly download each of the purchased images to their computer. The client can view an online version of the receipt just after checkout, they will also be emailed that same receipt. For those that have purchased a large number of instant downloads, the receipt will also provide a single "Download Purchased Photos" button when 5 or more single-image downloads have been purchased in the same transaction.